Back to paleo

24 06 2014

In November I started eating paleo, I was really strict for a while…then I started to be more or more lax…then I was eating pizza and wings, feeling like poo, and having killer headaches. I never had recurring headaches before “going paleo” but now I notice gluten giving me a headache, and back on board, and for a good reason.

I struggled in the beginning with EASY and FAST paleo meals. I don’t have time to make a complex meal ever. Which is why I fell off the bandwagon.
I do eat dairy (mainly yogurt) so I have that as a meal option. I need breakfast food at breakfast. I can’t eat a salad at 7am! I am also ok with corn and beans in moderation, so hummus is an awesome lunch!

meal ideas
Eggs (bacon or sausage)
Or Larabar and fruit
Or yogurt and fruit
Nuts, berries/fruit, coconut milk

Apple with nut butter
Or Yogurt
Or Nuts
Corn chips and salsa
Hummus and veggies

Lettuce wrap

This is the EASIST paleo meal for me. Meat, veggies, maybe a sweet potato.

Galloway Monday-nutrition and fuel

23 06 2014

Running nutrition is pretty important! I’m a little ritualistic about pre-run/race nutrition, but during my run I’m still tweeking my nutrition.

I usually run in the morning (especially now that summer is here. Before I run I eat a Larabar.

Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte is my FAVORITE!!!! But I’ll eat pretty much any of them. If it’s a short run, a Lara bar is enough, longer runs I also have a banana or applesauce. I have a cup of coffee as well, coconut milk creamer is good for running-dairy and running can get ugly. Race days often involve a little more food, no dairy or gluten though!

During my run I drink water, and sometimes I set up a Gatorade stop at the house. I tried out a new water bottle, and I liked it. My bottle looks like this:

I carried my phone and nutrition in the pouch. I’m not sure it was a great idea, I had to be careful getting my chews out.

I like Gatorade chews, cliff bar chews, and salted caramel gu. Those are my go to nutrition choices. I take something every 4 miles, during a race I try to time it with water stops, so it’s not always exact, also I take something at mile 11, not 12. It’s my pick me up for the end (in a half).

Long run this week was 7 miles. The first 4 miles-I ran 1 mile walked 1 minute. The last 3 miles I did a 4:1 ratio. Same pace for both! 7 miles in 1:14 is decent.

This really isn’t new news on me, but check out Powered by Bling, and Pretty ‘lil Mudder for other nutrition ideas.

Shape Up for Summer Giveaway

9 05 2014

It’s time for another a Blog hop giveaway!

You know I’m an info junkie. I love learning, applying all my knowledge is a different story!

I’m still reading Runner’s World Run Less Run Faster I really like the idea behind the 3 plus 2 workouts. I’m going to try to use this training method.

I’ve read Born to Run and absolutely loved it. You don’t have to be in to minimalist running to appreciate this book.

When I searched “running books” on Amazon I found a ton of books! I want to read them all!

It’s a non-running book, but I’ve read New Rules of Lifting for Women. I need to dig this book out and follow the plan. It’s a great book on strength training, and has detailed workouts.

I’m in the process of reading The Paleo Solution . I’ve strayed from the perfect paleo diet, but I limit my grains, and still focus my diet on fruits, veggies and protein.

I could keep going, I’ve read books on eating vegetation, vegan, yoga, stress, etc. I want to help you “Shape Up for Summer” with an amazon gift card for a health focused book of your choice. I can’t force you to get a book about health…but why are you here if you don’t want to keep improving your health?

Due to the fact that this is a free site, I can’t embed my rafflecopter…so leave a comment about what book you will get, then click the link below to enter (you MUST use rafflecopter to enter)

Enter the Giveaway HERE!!!!!

Now check out another blog for another giveaway!

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Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

I’m buying the gift card, I received nothing for my great book reviews!

The nightmare

3 02 2014

I had THE nightmare. Not the one where you forgot you were enrolled in class that you never went to and it’s too late to withdraw. Not the one where you show up for a huge presentation with no pants on. But the one where you can’t get your shit together for the race.

I couldn’t find my chomp things, I only had part of my outfit, I’m not sure if I had shoes on, I had an empty water bottle, and no breakfast. We made it to the race and I couldn’t figure out how to get in my corral. I’m pretty sure it was raining.

I woke up a little panicked. I pick out my running clothes the night before for a short training run, so this kind of disorganization stressed me out.

I am trying to figure out my race day nutrition plans for the princess half. Since the race is stupid early, we are at the mercy of someone else for transportation, and we need to be at the start with plenty of time to spare, it’s getting complicated. I want to bring a snack to eat while waiting, most likely a banana and maybe a Lara bar, and some water. Chances are it’s going to be humid and warm, so hydration is a big concern. I need more than a banana and a Lara bar, but at 4 am (or earlier) my paleo friendly choices are limited. I am going to do better with my fuel/chews during the race. I’m going to eat early on, not when I’m already struggling. I bought a big pack of the Gatorade chews (cool blue flavor-try cool blue, it’s fabulous) and I may get some Clif bar blocks as well…gotta have some variety!

My race day outfit is getting packed soon, with some spare parts just in case!

Ok-so really I need easy, no prep breakfast ideas. We are in a hotel, no restaurant available that early, no grocery store, but I can pack (non-perishable) food, it needs to be paleo friendly. Fruit is available, oatmeal (not paleo) gives me trouble during a run…I’m difficult!

Found the image on Pinterest, I wish I had someone to credit, but it was an empty link.

Whole 30-week 1

8 01 2014

I started the week recording EVERYTHING I ate. It was exhausting, and caused undue stress. I felt the need to explain every poor decision I made. Here is way I did this, here is why I did that. Then I read this article. I have no reason to feel guilt, or give explanation for 1/4 tsp sugar in my coffee.

I ate well, I made my own rules for a few days. I’m going to continue with the challenge, although I am not going to beat myself up over a splash of milk, a little honey, or ANYTHING. My goal for both the whole30 and a paleo lifestyle is eating real food, eating healthy, and giving my body fuel.

My favorite snack/dessert has been a berry bowl. The kids and I eat it everyday.

1 handful blueberries
1 handful raspberries
1 handful blackberries
Chopped pecans
Shaved coconut
Coconut dream
Maybe a drizzle of honey

So yummy!

And anyways, my stomach is trying to not get a virus…the next few days could get ugly. The joys of healthcare!

Pre-Whole 30

1 01 2014

It’s December 30th, I’m officially starting Whole 30 on January 1, 2014, but I can’t eat like crap today and tomorrow then jump in to total elimination on Wednesday.

Coffee (with creamer…it was all I had)
**this is not my normal breakfast, I like to eat a HUGE breakfast, but Monday mornings are sucky. Also, I was in need of a huge trip (or 2) to the grocery store**

Cinnamon apple sauce
Apple, pear, carrot juice

Cobb salad (I ordered from my FAVORITE pizza place, it was delicious. It had fried chicken, cheese and ranch. Not as healthy as it sounds. I think with a few changes it would still be great!)

*I’m making no excuses for Starbucks

Ground Turkey with Italian seasoning and crushed tomatoes

2 out of 3 Mondays, I’m home for dinner. I love being home in time for dinner, but I’m usually pretty tired. We have been eating the same meal on Monday night for a few months now. It used to be served with pasta, but now the pasta is gone, and not missed. If like to try spaghetti squash again, I had a bad experience with it once. Bleh .


Coffee with coconut milk

Egg over easy

Meatloaf , green beans, mashed potatoes (went out to eat, should have subbed potatoes for something else but they are soooo good)

Bacon wrapped sweet potato bites
Red wine-it was New Year’s Eve

So, I wasn’t perfect, but I wasn’t awful. I’ve got a few areas to work on. I NEED a little sugar in my coffee, I’ll try to slowly decrease the amount. I made paleo oatmeal for the mornings, a banana isn’t cutting it. I always have eggs, but there comes a point when I can’t eat another egg!

I’ve been on a pretty steady decline with weight. While complaining about weight loss might seem weird, it’s to a point that it’s nearing unhealthy. I struggle to eat well (or at all) when I’m at work, there’s no time. I’m working on easy to eat meals for lunch and dinner at work. Hard boiled eggs are good, but rather stinky. Salad can be too messy, and it’s easiest if I don’t need to heat anything up. Ideas are welcome.

I’m thinking I’ll try for a weekly post of meals, struggles and deep insight about the Whole 30,subs even a recipe or two.

Whole 30

29 12 2013

I wrote about my less than perfect paleo Christmas, and I still can totally shake my cravings for bready, sugary, bad(y) food. I’m hungrier than I have been, because I’ve been sneaking things I shouldn’t be. I tweeted that I was thinking it might be time for The Whole 30 challenge, and I’ve decided it is.

It’s so cliche to start a diet on January 1st, but this isn’t a diet, it’s a reset. I need to redirect my eating. I’ve only been “paleo” for 2 months, and I slipped up in the 2nd month (although I truly think we picked the WORST time to start this). This isn’t about weight loss for me , it’s really about putting good food in my body, and my families bodies. I really think I have recovered from my cold so quickly because I’m eating better than I ever have (even with my slip ups). When you put good in, you get good out.

Our house needs me to go to the grocery store, we have NO food. It’s pretty sad really. When I stock up on the things we need, we eat so well. Right now we are eating out, eating what we have, eating weird food (although Ella can live off of blueberries).

Whole 30 is pretty much paleo with no cheats. No sugar, dairy, grains, legumes, soy, alcohol, processed food. I cheat for a but if dairy, soy and alcohol. I’m going to take January to eliminate cheats, control my cravings, and get back on track.

Will I be perfect? Do you know me? It’s not possible to be perfect. Will I try really hard? I ask again, do you know me? It’s going to be a struggle some mornings, but with enough planning it’s going to work.

Holidays are not paleo friendly

22 12 2013

Paleo and holidays are NOT going hand in hand for me. Between the constant plates of cookies, cakes and candies, and stress at work, I keep caving. I’ve pretty much written December off, it’s been bad.

When I’m at home, I eat well, because I don’t have anything un-paleo. When I’m at work, I bring my paleo lunch/dinner/snacks, then someone shows up with chocolate cake. It’s not a little bite, it’s the whole freaking piece. I know I can’t be perfect 100% of the time, but this is like 50% (or less) good. I can feel my energy level and focus are much lower.

I figure it’s almost January, and EVERYONE goes on a diet in January. There will be less temptation.

I’m hosting a small anniversary dinner tonight, and the menu is totally paleo friendly. If someone wants bread, they are going to need to bring it. I did get a fruit tart for dessert, it’s delicious, and LOADED with fruit!

I’ve found that fixing a paleo dinner for others (or when my mom wants to fix us dinner) is not hard. Meat and veggies are simple, no one misses the bread or potatoes. NOW GET THE CAKE AWAY FROM ME.

My Paleo Journey, part 1

3 12 2013

How it all began

Paleo is a pretty HOT topic right now, and has been for sometime, I don’t feel that I need to do much explaining about what it is. Paleo is not a diet, it’s not a quick fix, it is a lifestyle. I struggle to properly word sentences discussing paleo, both in real conversations, and while typing this post, please forgive some of the odd and almost preachy phrases.

I would like to say, after careful thought and planning, we chose to change our eating habits, but I can’t lie. We know several people who follow a mainly paleo diet, we discussed eliminating gluten from our diet, but making the decision to COMPLETELY change how we think about eating was quick, and followed a conversation with a complete stranger. I’m usually the one to suggest these kinds if drastic changes, and Morgan usually comes up with a million reasons why not. But he said, lets do this, and I looked at him like he was crazy.

We decided the beginning of November, the day before a 14 hour road trip, that we would not longer eat grains, we would no longer eat processed food, we would drastically decrease our sugar consumption. So, a road trip, while trying to navigate the ins and outs of paleo was interesting.

Paleo eating is SO MUCH WORK. I am preparing food all the time. Our produce drawers in our fridge are overflowing. Out apple slicer has never seen so much time out of the drawer. I have skillets and sauce pots out for every meal. I’m cooking nearly every meal. Eating out is difficult, but do able.

We have some areas we need to work on, it is hard to change everything at once, and not have some backups. We are struggling to give up oatmeal. It’s warm, filling, and perfect on a cold morning. Its also not EGGS. We eat so many eggs. We have an obsession with Chobani Greek yogurt, especially the flips. Dairy is a debatable area, and I choose to include it. I don’t drink milk, I use cheese more than sparingly. I really like coffee. I really like coffee with a little sugar and vanilla soy milk.

The 80/20 rule is popular in the paleo community. Eat paleo 80% of the time and allowing yourself some leniency 20% of the time. I like this rule, I want to clean up a few areas, and have a cheat meal here and there. The problem with cheat meals, and I learned this the hard way, they are painful. After a few weeks, my body was already upset by breaded chicken.

We started this crazy paleo thing as a 30 day trial. I didn’t think it would stick. It’s been 30 days, and I think it stuck. I’ve learned a lot in this month. It is crazy how bread/pasta/rice/grains fill you up. Bread cravings are intense, but only last a few days. We are eating a lot more food, but it’s not reflected on the scale.

It’s going to be tough during the holidays, I love cookies, and candies and hot cocoa (although I found a paleo friendly recipe). Trying to get our extended family to understand has been tough, but my mom prepared a thanksgiving dinner that was very paleo friendly, and we gobbled it up (I had several helpings of turkey and green beans).

This is only part one of my paleo journey. Carb loading is pretty fun, and a recipe for banana muffins is next!